Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Yes! I had a very merry Christmas weekend in church this week. For the past two weeks some of us in choir (including myself, who were chosen by our I\Cs to be in this fun thingy) were practising for busking (singing Christmas carols) for the Christmas weekend. We had two sets of carols to memorise within 4 practices, which was quite a challenge to some of us who were not that musically inclined. We were told that a few of us would be singing for all 9 slots. And so we practised and practised and practised....

Saturday, 24th December came. Christmas EVE!!! We were very excited as well as nervous as we would be singing to HUGE crowds and did not know the exact locations of Expo that we would be singing... First, we sang at Attributes. That was a good try, but not a good place to carol as the members would be rushing in for the Christmas Service and not many people would stop to listen to us...

The second place was at Foyer 3, which is the area with the food and drink stalls. We were well received there, considering the fact that we sang a different set of songs for the first time for the second slot. The third slot was at Foyer 2, in the air con foyer. That was also quite well received but the sound was too echoy, so we were asked to sing at foyer 3 again for the last slot of the day.

Finally, CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!! On Sunday, we had to report at 8.30am at Expo. Me, for once, had to crucify my flesh to sleep longer and wake up to bathe, change, make up and prepare to go from Jurong all the way to Expo when I had only about 3 hours of sleep. For the first timeslot of the day, we sang at Foyer 3, but was stopped after singing 3 songs due to unforeseen circumstances. Since then, we had to act upon instructions after we gathered at the allocated times and place, which is in Hall 6, where the Christmas Carnival was. As there were changes to the timings, I was not able to sing for one of the new timeslots as I was attending service and had brought a new friend to join us. After service, I rushed to join the rest for the last second timeslot of the day. Before our performance, there was another ministry which is performing in the same hall. That ministry was.... (Drum roll....) Strikeforce! This ministry is the only one of its own kind and I am a pending member in it (Pastoral & CGL approval is needed before a member is officially in the ministry.) Anyway, we went to support and enjoyed the performances thoroughly.

The last timeslot was at 4pm, we gave our best shot and received fabulous feedback from choirs members who were amongst the crowd. After that one of my caroling mate and I went to play the rides. It was quite exciting but not much kick (for me...) I was thinking of going for the ride which spins while you are standing in a circle. When I saw the speed that it was spinning, I was like, "Wow! That thing sure spins very fast!" After the ride, I saw people coming down with jelly feet and I thought, "hmmm, I think I'll skip this one because its too scary..."

In the evening, I met my member, Carmen, for dinner at Outrum Park and went to have a walk round Chinatown. Then we went home, sleeping on the bus... Zzzzz

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