On Sunday morning, me and three other choir members took a cab down to Singapore Expo as we needed to report at 6am. When we reached there, we were asked to wait if there were extra or enough costumes to go around as there would be people not going to help out on that day due to their reasons. Thank God we had enough costumes to go round or else it would be a wasted trip for some of us (the help-outs are all choir members and some were not on duty nor attending services that day). We changed into our costumes and went for our final rehearsal before the first service began. At about 9am, some of the choir members, including myself, ran up to the choir platform for soundcheck in our drama costumes. The soundcheck took us about 35mins and we had to rush down to change our clothes before gathering at the space near Children's Church Room (You don't expect us to sing in our costumes, do you?).
The first service started at 10am. After Praise and Worship (P&W), we rushed into our locker to change into our costumes and ran to wait for our turn to act. Because of drama, I wasn't able to attend service. It was a good one nevertheless. Interested parties can go to http://www.chc.org.sg , click on "Video Sermons", then click on the various loadings beside "Why Didn't Jesus Save Himself?". You'll be able to watch the entire service. (I am one of the most prominent one; you'll be able to see me on stage for choir).
After the second service which started at 12.30pm, after returning my costume, I rushed to meet my members for a super late lunch, had fun catching up with them and went to People's Association (PA) for MTT, which started at 6pm to 8pm. As usual, BP sent me home (Thanks so much BP!!!)

The second thing that happened was last Sat. That was my first time going for the recording for Superband quarter finals. I saw my fave groups, Soul, Qi:NoBe and Lucify performing Energy's Come On, Six Plus's Part Time Study, Part Time Work and F.I.R's Ci Niao respectively. Their performances blew me and my friends away. I was standing at the front stage and I feelso "shiok". But when I watched the results show last night, I was shocked and sad that Lucify was out instead of Summer Breeze, who got the upmost lowest marks so far (19 out of 40 points). The whole audience was so astonished at such low marks given to them. Good thing the following week is the Fan Shen Sai (an episode for some of the bands who were disqualified before to regain their status in the competition.) Only one band will be chosen to regain their position in the main competition. I really hope Lucify will get in!!!
Recently, After I got my PC and internet access, I've been online a lot lately and had been logging on to my Friendster account, I've added all the members of Lucify (Vic, you have not added me in yet!!!), Jade and all five members of Soul (Thanks!!!). Oh, and not forgetting our Singapore Liu De Hua ( Samuel Lau from Qi:NoBe, the leader and only Chinese in the group.) There, I added lots of friends in as well, like Suqi (who helped us queue that day, arigato!!!) and her friend. I realised taht I have a lot of friends in my Friendster account... And that's a good thing...
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