Strikeforce is actually a drums ministry that specialise in playing drums and percussion instruments. This links to my upcoming trip to Taiwan with Strikeforce. This was how the story goes...
One fine day, while I was working, I received an SMS from Sister Jennifer (my Strikeforce head), saying, "Hi! Are you interested to go Taiwan for Emerge Conference?". I immediately replied, "Yes!". Then she replied, saying, "ok, will update you again".
Boy, was I excited! Then after MTT just now, Bro Boon asked the team to gather and gave a briefing about the Taiwan trip. It was then I realised that I had to learn other drum sequences other than the one I am currently learning now (Its called The Alpha Sequence, consists of interesting drumming like Space Jam, Q&A 1 & 2, Taiwan Storm, Wawanko and Half-Time Funky, just to name a few that I've learnt). Now I an looking for members who wrote scores based on what they have heard and practice so that I can practice on my own on my free time.... Time is running out for me.... Its confirmed, we are having gigs and performances in Taiwan.
Next, Superband. I realised that I was being captured again on TV. Even my Strikeforce friends knew! I was like, going, " -,- "... This is not good for my "reputation"... Haiz...
Anyway, I enjoyed Lucify's and Soul's performances. They are good! On quarterfinals 9 Lucify got the highest marks - 38 points! A straight 9.5 points from each of the judges! I was so happy that they did so well. Here are the pics I took with them...