Ever since I became a Christian, I never fail to enjoy Christmas Celebration in church. This year is no excepti0n. I absolutely enjoyed serving the Lord in choir for Sunday and Monday.
The choir opened the service with a special item "Deck the Halls" in parts, aka SATB (Sops, Alto, Tenor and Bass parts) with yours truly singing the Soprano part, which is the melody. It sounded great with parts and all. Then praise and worship began using carols.
Then came the best part - the drama. This year's production is a bit different. Other than the usual bilingual lines that the actors and actresses had to memorise, three of them had to speak in Cantonese, Japanese and Tamil! This was the first time that the drama includes these languages. The entire drama was funny, interesting, touching and simply too awesome for words. This year, the drama even involves the congregation, that everyone lights up the candles, signifying that Christ is the Light of the world. After that was the sermon and altar call.
After service, wennt for lunch with cell group members at Macau Express. Then, it was funtime at the Family Carnival at Hall 6.

Above pics thanks to Rae!