New Job, New Beginning
That's right, I have a new job now! I am doing Admin work in a construction company, thanks to carcar . She is the one who introduced me to this job. I got to know lots of nice colleagues and I really want to stay in this company for long term. Although I've never been in this industry but I am learning the ropes...
Michelle and Matthew aka Kheng Guan's Wedding
Thei wedding was a few months ago and yours truly was the "jie mei". We had lots of fun at the bride's house as we "sabohed" the groom and his brothers as they tried to get the groom into the bride's house to fetch the bride. After that the couple Jing Cha to the parents and the elder relatives (Michelle's side). After that we went to the groom's house and did the same thing, except that there is buffet lunch available. Then we went to the couple's new house to rest before the Holy Matrimony at night.
As I was the back up-vocalist for the wedding, I was very nervous as this was my first time holding the mic and sing Praise and Worship songs. There, I met Jasper(guitarist) and Yihua (Keyboardist). I was so happy to see them, especially Yihua as we have not met for some time. We chatted and I felt more relaxed. Tough there were some blubbers during the wedding, the whole wedding was great. I wish the couple Happy Marriage and Ever Lasting Love realtionship with each other.
Isaac and Dom (aka Ying Ying) Wedding
Yes, I am involved in their wedding as well, but this time as a dramatist. Their wedding will be in Bintan, which is unique as this is the first time a wedding is not held in Singapore island. Will update more on that....
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