So Long never blog arady!! So busy with things....
Easter Production 2008
Easter Production 2008
This year's Easter drama is quite interesting. As usual, I was acting as part of the crowd. Being in drama is so fun! There are a lot of interesting and fun people in DM that makes my days fun... Thanks ppl!!!
Oh Yah, Some of the Crossroad ppl were in the drama as well! Here they are:
Chingay! A street parade not to be missed! This year I am representing City Harvest Church doing "Solid Rock". Needless to say, there are rehearsals upon rehearsals upon rehearsals at least 4 times a week for about a month. But our hard work paid off when the audience were smiling ever so happily when we start our "fights". Below is the pic of me still in make up after I reached home. COOL~~!
My Big Day~My birthday!
Yeah~ My birthday was just a month ago and it was before I transferred department. My sweet beauties of Building Dept bought me a bouquet of flowers and cake. After work, I went out with Phoebe and cuz of my birthday, in almost every shop in Far East Plaza I went into, I got a discount and even got a membership card free! That was so touching! To all the shops I went to on that day, Thank so much!!!