Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Tired, tired, tired

I am very tired after serving for BS last night. I was sitting on stage and this made my bottom very painful. During the break, when I stood up, my legs was cramped from my thighs to the sole of my feet, it was very, very painful... Ouch!

Nevertheless, we had a fantastic meeting but it ended at about 11.45pm, which was really very late as some of us live in the East or the North, so its very far from church, but thank God that there are shuttle buses to the various MRT stations in town. Although I live in Jurong, sometimes I'll also need to take a cab home as there were no more Bus No.99 buses going around the area...

After the meeting, some of my choir friends were looking for their Bibles and notebooks as they had returned late and were not able to go back on stage. But their Bibles and notebooks couldn't be seen anywhere. I suggested that someone might have taken it to the soundcrew staricase where our choir locker is. Hmmm, I wonder if they have found their precious Bibles yet?

Anyway, I am going to have a good rest after work today. My schedules have been very packed for the past year and I practically have no time to have a fruitful rest, So dun't disturb me for today ok... heeheehee... ;P


NA said...

Thanks for dropping by.

singsingsing & Drum Drum Drum said...

I wanna thank you for dropping by too... ;)